Upcoming Author Shows and Preorder Forms

I have a few shows coming up. First up is Ramencon, in South Bend, IN. It’s next weekend, in fact. I have a booth there, with both my art and books. I’ll also be running some events, including their Murder Mystery and karaoke. I’ll be open for custom work at con, but it will be limited. Anyone looking for digital art should contact me directly.

Next up For the Love of Books Chicago, on October 14th, in Peasant Run, IL. I’ll also have a booth there, and I have preorders opened up for people to guarantee a book and a customized signature. All preorders will come with goodies, too. You can preorder at this link- For the Love of Books Chicago Preorder.

Finally, closing October out with the Great Lakes Book Bash, in Kalamazoo, MI, from October 27-28th. Just like For the Love of Books, I’ll be taking preorders to guarantee books there, plus goodies for each preorder. Please note that preorders are especially important for this convention due to the proximity to the prior author show and lack of time to restock thoroughly. Regardless, I will have books, but the stock may be lower than intended. You can preorder at this link- Great Lakes Book Bash.

YoumaCon is tentative at this point, first weekend of November, in Detroit, MI.  I’m waiting to hear back from them in regards to events I have running. Depending on what happens, I may not be in attendance to the convention the whole weekend. If you are interested in ordering merchandise or commissioned work, I will be available to arrange a meet time to drop it off.

That’s tentatively all of my shows for the rest of the year, but I may add more if I find ones I am interested in and able to attend. I hope to see everyone there!

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