Volume 1
“In the world exists creatures of Legend, which are treated as bounties and hunted down. Suisen (a Legend himself) is one of the many Legend Hunters that exist throughout Japan, though his way of hunting is a bit different than the others. Joined by other creatures of legends, like a Kitsune and a Byakko, he finds these Legends and hears their stories. As they try to save the legends of the world, they might just make a legend all their own!
Suisen follows the rumors of a Kitsune into a small town. There he finds a magician and his magical assistant. But, is his assistant really a Kitsune, or is there more than meets the eye?”
Volume 2
“Suisen and gang travel throughout Edo Japan searching for legends and lending aid where they can. As both legend hunters and legends themselves, they use their abilities to get out of tricky situations. New adventures lead to chance reunions, as their saga continues in the next installment!
But bright futures can come from dark pasts. A gathering brings the biggest clans of legends together after hundreds of years, and the group learns just what it means for Rikuo to be a Byakko.”