March 15, 2017

I’ll be taking part in Brain to Books Cyber Convention and Book Expo this April! I’ll have books on display, and an excerpt from Altier will have a reading. I’ve also put both Altier and AoS: Lust into the giveaway, so be sure to enter! And finally, I’ll also be part of their anthology. My…

June 1, 2016

Since I missed the local author fair this year, I was looking for another event to do, and a fellow author friend turned me onto the Small Prestivus Literary Festival in Griffith, IN! So, I’ll be attending and selling my books there, along with a handful of other goodies like bookmarks and buttons for my…

November 25, 2015

I just got booked for an author/artist event at a local comic store! Super nervous, but super excited! I hope to see everyone there~ You can find more information about it on my Facebook Event Page! I will have my novels and graphic novels both there, as well as some of my other things. Still…

October 12, 2015

Weekend over, so both the Steel Pen and the South Bend Comic Con are done with. I had fun at them, but boooy were they tiring, but I had a lot of fun. Just want to thank everyone who bought stuff from me, and just in general visited me. My next show isn’t until YoumaCon,…

October 9, 2015

I have a busy weekend ahead! Tomorrow I’ll be at the Steel Pen Conference/Book Fair from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm at the Radisson, in Merrillville, IN. I’m looking forward to getting to talk with other authors and see what it has to offer. Then Sunday, I’m headed to South Bend for Tomkat’s Comic Con…

Latest Release

Zos Kias, Volume 15. The next installment in the ongoing webcomic. As Lillian's battle ends, a more cruel battle begins! The end of the vampire arc
