Welcome November

Like usual, I ended October (and Halloween weekend) at YoumaCon. Thanks to everyone who stopped by (and bought things). I hope my new readers enjoy the books they picked up :3

My copies of Altier actually came in while I was at the con. They will be with me at my next two events, aka also my last events for the year. I have two small Tomkat Comic Cons in Hammond, in both November and December. If you attend the November one, that’s the day after my birthday. Be sure to say hi!

NaNoWriMo started this month. Been busy doing lots of typing. You can write with me by adding me on NaNoWriMo: Kojika. I’m so excited to have finished Archive of a Sinner: Lust and start on Greed. Lust needs a lot of revisions before I send it to print, but it’s still on schedule to be out by the beginning of next year.

Good luck to all you other writers, too!

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Zos Kias, Volume 15. The next installment in the ongoing webcomic. As Lillian's battle ends, a more cruel battle begins! The end of the vampire arc

