Review of Maids of Wrath

I was delighted to have a chance to review “Maids of Wrath” by Josh Vogt, book 2 in the Cleaners series. I received an ARC to be able to review.  The book comes out in April, and you can preorder it on Amazon

I met Vogt last year at Gen Con, when a friend of mine decided he didn’t want to go to writing panels alone, so he signed me up for a bunch with him. It was actually very informative, and I’m glad to have had the opportunity. There were a lot of authors that we got to hear speak, but Vogt was one of the ones I had to rush out and try to get the book of. Unfortunately, they had no copies at con, but I ordered book 1 of the Cleaners off Amazon a little later and fell in love with the series.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

The Cleaners series first off takes a unique take on magic by relating it to something most people think of as totally mundane…cleaning. The set up for the series as whole is very entertaining.  The well-thought out magic-based cleaning system is a strong backbone for the story.  It makes you not want to take Janitors, Plungers, Handyman, and others in that industry for granted (and I remember what happened when they got rid of telephone cleaners!).

Book 2, Maids of Wrath, is like an icy plunge into the world of the Cleaners.  While the first book offered an introduction to the world and the characters, book 2 showed even more insight into the actual Cleaners, as well as deeper insight to the characters.  It’s hard to put down, and I felt myself cringing every time something bad happened to any of the characters (but especially Ben and Dani). The story is full of mysteries, and every time you think you are about to get to the bottom of one, another springs up.  It’s action packed and will keep you guessing long after its conclusion (and impatiently waiting for the sequel).

Vogt’s writing style is fun and easy to read.  His story-telling has an almost light-hearted feel to such a building darkness.  The characters are multi-dimensional and real; it’s hard to dislike any of them (although it’s possible for a few). The internal struggle for both Ben and Dani is heartbreaking and inspirational. It’s easy to get pulled into the story and feel you are right there in it with them.  Each chapter flows nicely together. The switch from Dani to Ben and back again was so natural that it didn’t disrupt the storytelling, and rather, it made you want to read more.

If you enjoy stories with magic and mystery, it’s a definite read. I feel myself almost apt to compare it to a similar tone and impression as the Dresden Files, but it’s also completely different.

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